
On the very evening of the election Brandon Lewis stated on the Preston programme that the government had dropped legislation to deal with the protocol from the Queen's speech. It begs the question are Sir JEFFERY'S ears painted on as here he is on the front page of today's Newsletter begging for exactly that legislation. Included in the Newsletter article is the galling fact Lewis et Al will be off to Brussels and Washington to decide the fate of people living in allegedly sovereign British territory.. Pratt

Ulster citizens declared NOT EQUAL by our governments lawyers & were now being taxed from Brussels

The protocol which our prime minister Boris Johnston is on record as stating would only be implemented OVER HIS DEAD BODY has rendered us as no longer being equal citizens of this United Kingdom. This was because our government unilaterally tore up the Act of Union which guaranteed that goods traded into Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK were here on an equal basis. NOT ANY MORE. Furthermore it is at a time of spiralling out of control costs allegdly due to the Ukraine conflict imposing additional swingeing hikes in energy prices adding to the misery now piled on by the faceless Brussels bureaucrats with these imposed taxes. Rees Mogg has scrapped such costs for all mainland companies yet the poots posts are planning yet more expensive checks on goods from mainand UK into Ulster

How did Alliance get 17 MLAs with 116,000 votes & TUV get just ONE for 66,000?

In order for Alliance to get one MLA elected, this works out at 6823 votes per person successfully elected. At that rate TUV could have expected approximately 9 MLAs elected. With the ratio as is, to match Alliance for an equivalent 9 MLAs TUV would have actually needed a ridiculous 594,000 total votes under this voting system.